Nuestros Principios

Conozca los valores que vivimos en nuestro ministerio

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Our Order of Priorities

Principles we live by at MGB

Our relationship with God will be the highest priority in all that we do, asking him to teach us how to love him with all our heart, mind and soul so that we may continue to grow in intimacy with him.

Servants in this ministry will be outstanding examples in their own families and will fully do their part in their families to firmly establish their family in the faith and teachings of Christ.

Serving and Loving in this ministry will be the first priority in carrying out the plans to transform this vision into reality. In all that we do we love first and are servants first, following the greatest example of servant-heartedness that our Lord Jesus gave us.

Through prayer we will always consult with one another and seek wise counsel before carrying out our plans, basing our plans and actions on God’s word.

We strive to be efficient in all that we do with the desire to be good stewards of all its resources, asking God for wisdom to do so.

We strive to be effective in everything we do and never lose sight of the results we are striving for. We will always have a plan and we will monitor the results to help us determine whether we are successful or not, but our plans will always be flexible enough to follow God’s direction so that He can make changes when He desires. If the results are not full of God’s fruitfulness, we will be open to change and will make healthy changes by going through a pruning cycle each year.

We pay a man his proper wages for his services and, if we are not sure, we always make a mistake in favor of the other man.

Every MGB leader should have the humility and courage of heart to be vulnerable and transparent with others, especially with other MGB leaders so that we are not divided and conquered by the enemy.

The deepest motivations of our heart will be to accumulate rewards in heaven so that as many men as possible will feel the touch of God’s hand on their shoulder when they enter heaven and hear Him say, “Well done, my son, well done; You have brought much happiness and blessing to my heart.”

We will always recognize that God’s work is a way of celebrating each of our individual gifts and not a way of comparing our gifts with those of others.

Building, maintaining and operating as a strong and cohesive leadership team will always be of utmost importance. Our desire will always be to see each person serving God exactly where He has called them to serve, even if that means a different ministry. We will do our best to bring Unity to the body/team of Christ by esteeming each other more important than ourselves, and always willing to help other ministries.

We will always seek to learn, praying for teachable and humble hearts.